On majority of modern motor vehicles(after 1994 of release), the factory-manufacturer the anti-creeping system immobilizer is established. We provide a full range of services for programming car keys with a transponder (chip).
If you need a key with a chip or programming car key, you should know, we are always ready to provide you with highly qualified assistance. In some situations, the motorist may need to recover the keys for the car or programming the ignition key, especially if the key for the car has been lost. In this case you can contact us - solving problems with identifying malfunctions in the ignition lock or programming a chip of keys you can order at any time and in any place.
Almost all cars nowadays have an immobilizer system. This anti-theft device does its job well. But sooner or later, it may be necessary to repair the key chip and program the car key, because if the remote control fails, the car cannot be started, so it will be important to perform quality programming of the immobilizer keys.
Thanks to the use of professional equipment, we will do our job quickly and efficiently! Without any harm to other car systems.
If the chip ignition keys are lost and new ones are purchased, it is necessary to reprogram the immobilizer so that the IDs of the new keys are perceived as correct ones. The same need arises when the old key is equipped with a new tag in place of the lost one. In addition, with a slightly larger share of the convention, the loss of the key can be equated with random software "fallouts" from the ECU memory.
The procedure of programming the connection of keys with the ECU in English is called "matching keys", which literally can be translated as "marrying keys" with the ECU. This procedure is a special case of a more general one, which is called adaptation and is well-- known to diagnosticians. Therefore, often matching and adaptation are not discerned and talk about the adaptation of keys, and the more accurate word "registration" is used less often. The registration of the chip keys is possible when obtaining service access to the programming of the immobilizer.
The concept of "chip key" in relation to the ignition key came along with the appearance of an RFID tag in it. The label is embedded in the plastic head of the key and is a microcircuit (leadless chip), capable of "communicating" with other elements of the immobilizer on the radio channel. This chip is the bearer of an individual number, which it can broadcast. That's why the chip-label is called a chip-key, because in this case the word "key" means "password".
The label is activated by the radio signal of the request and is powered by the energy of the magnetic field of it. Therefore, it is also called a "transponder" (from the confluence of the English words transmitter and responder, ie "radio answer"). This way the term "transponder immobilizer" is formed. When they want to emphasize that the ignition key contains the chip key of the transponder immobilizer, they say: "chip ignition keys" or even "chip keys".
The concept of "ignition key" itself has been around for a long-time contributing to the habit, and does not reflect any actual functionality. In conversational practice, the "chip ignition key" is often reduced to "chip key". As can be seen from the above, this is not the same thing, however, the convenience of such a reduction can not be denied. There is a term-synonym for "ignition key with transponder", literally corresponding to the original transponder ignition key, but it is used in relatively rare occasions due to its bulkiness.
We will note that at the level of the ECU program there is no fundamental difference in the way the immobilizer controls the key of a particular type, including contact, etc.